Hello to all my music colleagues out in word-press land.
So I’ve been using the Apollo Quad for a week or so now and I’m really beginning to understand what all the hub-ub is about regarding UAD plugin’s..I’ve really only been scratching the surface but the UAD610B preamp plugin sounds great on both Guitar and Vocals. Punchy and “in your Face”! The Fairchild 670 is a great compressor! It has a sound ,no doubt (not transparent) but I like it!! There are four preamps built in to the unit so I’ve connected my preamps, (an Avalon 737sp and a Focusrite Red 7) to inputs 5 and 6. The ADAT Lightpipe on the back is connected to my VisonDAW PC running Reaper with my sample libraries, synth’s and other Plugin’s. I’ve been pluging my Strat straight into the HiZ inputs and getting some great sounds using some of the plugs as well…
I love how I can print my audio with these plug’s and then free up the Apollo processor for my mix later. You can also set the Apollo console to just “hear” the plugs on your input and not print them. So far I’ve been doing all this through the firewire 800 port! I’m really interested to see how the unit operates with Thunderbolt! ( New Mac is on order).
So what’s bad about this unit ? Not a whole lot. The only aspect I’m a little perturbed about is how much UA pushes me to buy new plugs! It’s very difficult to decipher which plugs you own and which ones you don’t! As my buddy Brian Monroney says regarding buying UAD Plugs: ” You feel like your a rat with a lever for food” Hah! That being said I’m slowly memorizing the plugs I do own..and I’m sure I’ll buy more eventually. I’ve been using the Apollo with Digital Performer and it was really easy to set up.. (kudos to amazing engineer/composer friend John Paterno for helping me with that). So this means I’m moving away from the PCIE system I’ve had in place for several years and upgrading once again! Something all of us computer-based audio addicts have to do from time to time. This time my studio gear is REALLY shrinking in size! My racks in my studio desks are emptying out. and there is a lot more space in here.. Very Feng shui… All the best to you guys.. Talk shortly